Sunday, October 24, 2010

Wow... this family is still here?

Hi all. I am sure none of you ever come here anymore because I am terrible at posting anything. I am ashamed that my last posting was in June of LAST YEAR. I love looking at my siblings' pages because they have pictures and commentary and everything fun!

I will try harder. Honest. *sigh*

Thursday, June 11, 2009

REAL Daddies...

I just wanted to scribble out a quick kudos to REAL daddies, who endure a great many things on behalf of their families. I can't imagine a world without my Andy, and I find it difficult even to put into words how much I appreciate his willingness to endure a job he really doesn't enjoy right now for 45 + hours per week on a schedule which would probably KILL me... or at very least make me one ORNERY witch. He loves his children, and somehow manages to put up with me too... What a good man.

My Handsome

So I know that all mommies are proud of their children, and in particular most of us are really taken with the mancubs... But isn't this one just so handsome?! I mean, LOOK at those big blue eyes, and a smile to melt my heart. I admit fully to being madly in love with the little bugger... despite, and I really have to add this disclaimer, the fact that I know him to be 26% destruction, 12% speed, a mere 4% cuddles, 17% grunts and growls, at very least 32% dirt, 7% tease and 120% mischief.... Yes, I did the math.

Silly Goose...

Making Muffins for School

Aw.... they DO love each other!!!

Puppy Love

Giada loves the puppies, and she can hardly wait for Molly's babies to come out and play. They are due next week...